Define reusable design tokens.
You can define your tokens as part of the createStitches
configuration. There are 14 token types available.
export const { styled, css } = createStitches({
theme: {
colors: {
gray500: 'hsl(206,10%,76%)',
blue500: 'hsl(206,100%,50%)',
purple500: 'hsl(252,78%,60%)',
green500: 'hsl(148,60%,60%)',
red500: 'hsl(352,100%,62%)',
space: {
1: '5px',
2: '10px',
3: '15px',
fontSizes: {
1: '12px',
2: '13px',
3: '15px',
fonts: {
untitled: 'Untitled Sans, apple-system, sans-serif',
mono: 'Söhne Mono, menlo, monospace',
fontWeights: {},
lineHeights: {},
letterSpacings: {},
sizes: {},
borderWidths: {},
borderStyles: {},
radii: {},
shadows: {},
zIndices: {},
transitions: {},
This is based on the System UI Theme Specification by Brent Jackson.
After your tokens are defined, you can use them to style components.
const { styled } = createStitches({
theme: {
colors: {
violet800: 'hsl(252 62% 54.9%)',
const Button = styled('button', {
backgroundColor: '$violet800',
() => <Button>Button</Button>;
Tokens also work inside the css
const Button = styled('button', {});
() => (
backgroundColor: '$violet800',
Tokens even work with shorthand CSS properties.
const Button = styled('button', {
margin: '$1 $2',
border: '1px solid $violet800',
() => <Button>Button</Button>;
You can create semantic tokens by referencing tokens on the same scale.
As always, use the $
to reference a token.
theme: {
colors: {
gray500: 'hsl(206,10%,76%)',
primary: '$gray500',
You can create a token directly within a style object by prefixing it with two dollar signs ($$
const Button = styled('button', {
$$shadowColor: 'red',
boxShadow: '0 0 0 15px $$shadowColor',
You can pick a token from any of your available theme scales by prefixing them with the scale name.
const Button = styled('button', {
// apply a color token to a locally scoped token
$$shadowColor: '$colors$purple500',
boxShadow: '0 0 0 15px $$shadowColor'
// use a token from the sizes scale
marginTop: '$sizes$1'
We recommend using camel case, pascal case or snake case for your theme tokens. Other word separators may not work as expected.
// recommended
// avoid
You can read more about this here.
Token types are automatically mapped to CSS Properties for an improved developer experience.
Token | Properties |
colors | background backgroundColor backgroundImage border borderBlock borderBlockEnd borderBlockStart borderBottom borderBottomColor borderColor borderInline borderInlineEnd borderInlineStart borderLeft borderLeftColor borderRight borderRightColor borderTop borderTopColor caretColor color columnRuleColor fill outlineColor stroke textDecorationColor |
fonts | fontFamily |
fontSizes | fontSize |
fontWeights | fontWeight |
lineHeights | lineHeight |
letterSpacings | letterSpacing |
radii | borderRadius borderTopLeftRadius borderTopRightRadius borderBottomRightRadius borderBottomLeftRadius |
sizes | blockSize minBlockSize maxBlockSize inlineSize minInlineSize maxInlineSize width minWidth maxWidth height minHeight maxHeight flexBasis gridTemplateColumns gridTemplateRows |
space | gap gridGap columnGap gridColumnGap rowGap gridRowGap inset insetBlock insetBlockEnd insetBlockStart insetInline insetInlineEnd insetInlineStart margin marginTop marginRight marginBottom marginLeft marginBlock marginBlockEnd marginBlockStart marginInline marginInlineEnd marginInlineStart padding paddingTop paddingRight paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingBlock paddingBlockEnd paddingBlockStart paddingInline paddingInlineEnd paddingInlineStart top right bottom left scrollMargin scrollMarginTop scrollMarginRight scrollMarginBottom scrollMarginLeft scrollMarginX scrollMarginY scrollMarginBlock scrollMarginBlockEnd scrollMarginBlockStart scrollMarginInline scrollMarginInlineEnd scrollMarginInlineStart scrollPadding scrollPaddingTop scrollPaddingRight scrollPaddingBottom scrollPaddingLeft scrollPaddingX scrollPaddingY scrollPaddingBlock scrollPaddingBlockEnd scrollPaddingBlockStart scrollPaddingInline scrollPaddingInlineEnd scrollPaddingInlineStart |
zIndices | zIndex |
shadows | boxShadow textShadow |
transitions | transition |
borderWidths | borderWidth borderTopWidth borderRightWidth borderBottomWidth borderLeftWidth |
borderStyles | borderStyle borderTopStyle borderRightStyle borderBottomStyle borderLeftStyle |