
Set-up reusable responsive breakpoints.

Define your media at-rules in the media object. You can add as many as you need.

export const { styled, css } = createStitches({
media: {
bp1: '(min-width: 640px)',
bp2: '(min-width: 768px)',
bp3: '(min-width: 1024px)',

Note: Choose the naming convention you prefer. We recommend either bp1, bp2, bp3 etc. or sm, md, lg etc.

Once configured, you can apply different variants at different breakpoints.

In the example below, we apply the violet color variant at the bp2 condition.

const Button = styled('button', {
// base styles
variants: {
color: {
violet: {},
gray: {},
() => (
<Button color={{ '@bp2': 'violet' }} >

Note: If you're using TypeScript, your variants will be typed.

You must use the @initial breakpoint to declare the initial variant before any breakpoints are applied.

In the example below, we apply gray initially, then the violet color variant at the bp2 condition.

const Button = styled('button', {
// base styles
variants: {
color: {
violet: {},
gray: {},
() => (
<Button color={{ '@initial': 'gray', '@bp2': 'violet' }} >
const Button = styled('button', {
// base styles
'@bp1': {
// Styles for bp1

Note: In most cases, we do not recommend applying responsive breakpoints inline. Ideally, your component styles should be immutable.