Stitches homepage


More about what we're up to.

Stitches 1.0.0

 by Pedro DuarteChangelog

Changelog for Stitches 1.0.0

Migration guide: Stitches beta to v1

 by Pedro DuarteChangelog

A guide to help you migrate from Stitches beta to v1.

Stitches 0.2.0

 by Pedro DuarteChangelog

Changelog for Stitches 0.2.0.

Migration guide: Stitches alpha to beta

 by Pedro DuarteChangelog

A guide to help you migrate from Stitches alpha to beta.

Using Gatsby with Stitches

 by Pedro Duarte

A simple guide to use Gatsby with Stitches.

Migrating from Emotion to Stitches

 by Pedro Duarte

How to migrate from Emotion to Stitches.

Using Next.js with Stitches

 by Pedro Duarte

A simple guide to use Next.js with Stitches.

Migrating from styled-components to Stitches

 by Pedro Duarte

How to migrate from styled-components to Stitches.

Introducing Stitches

 by Pedro Duarte

The modern CSS-in-JS library with near-zero runtime.

Stitches alpha

 by Pedro DuarteChangelog

Today we are announcing the first alpha release of Stitches. This is an early look at the API and features.