Custom theming

Set up dark mode or multiple themes in minutes.

You can create additional themes that override your default tokens.

const { styled, css } = createStitches({
theme: {
colors: {
hiContrast: 'hsl(206,10%,5%)',
loContrast: 'white',
gray100: 'hsl(206,22%,99%)',
gray200: 'hsl(206,12%,97%)',
gray300: 'hsl(206,11%,92%)',
gray400: 'hsl(206,10%,84%)',
gray500: 'hsl(206,10%,76%)',
gray600: 'hsl(206,10%,44%)',
space: {},
fonts: {},

You can create new themes with the createTheme function.

const { createTheme } = createStitches({...});
const darkTheme = createTheme({
colors: {
hiContrast: 'hsl(206,2%,93%)',
loContrast: 'hsl(206,8%,8%)',
gray100: 'hsl(206,8%,12%)',
gray200: 'hsl(206,7%,14%)',
gray300: 'hsl(206,7%,15%)',
gray400: 'hsl(206,7%,24%)',
gray500: 'hsl(206,7%,30%)',
gray600: 'hsl(206,5%,53%)',
space: {},
fonts: {},

The darkTheme const represents a hashed class, which can be added at any point in your application.

You can define the theme class to be used by passing it as the first argument:

export const darkTheme = createTheme('dark-theme', {...});
<div className={darkTheme}>
<Box>Content nested in dark theme.</Box>

The theme is an object containing useful token data.

For example, given the following default theme and dark themes:

const { theme, createTheme } = createStitches({
theme: {
colors: {
primary: 'black',
const dark = createTheme({
colors: {
primary: 'white',

You can use the returned theme objects to read the tokens, like so:

// default theme
theme.colors.primary; // var(--colors-primary)
theme.colors.primary.value; // black
theme.colors.primary.token; // primary
theme.colors.primary.scale; // colors
theme.colors.primary.variable; // --colors-primary
theme.colors.primary.computedValue; // var(--colors-primary)
// dark theme
dark.colors.primary; // var(--colors-primary)
dark.colors.primary.value; // white
dark.colors.primary.token; // primary
dark.colors.primary.scale; // colors
dark.colors.primary.variable; // --colors-primary
dark.colors.primary.computedValue; // var(--colors-primary)

You can add styles based on themes by retrieving the dynamically generated theme class.

import { createStitches } from '@stitches/react';
const { styled, createTheme } = createStitches({
theme: {},
const myTheme = createTheme({});
const Button = styled('button', {
borderRadius: '9999px',
fontSize: '13px',
border: '0',
[`.${myTheme} &`]: {
backgroundColor: '$blue',
() => (
<div className={myTheme}>