We're happy to announce that Stitches v1.0.0
has been released. This version is the stable release and comes with lots of performance improvements and bug fixes.
npm install @stitches/core@latest
# or
npm install @stitches/react@latest
This release includes the following breaking changes.
Renamed createCss
to createStitches
Renamed global
to globalCss
Renamed getCssString
to getCssText
Removed creator function from theme
Updated utils
TypeScript: Renamed StitchesCss
to CSS
TypeScript: Renamed StitchesVariants
to VariantProps
Refer to the migration guide for more details.
#683: 1.0 - Rename global to globalCss
#696: Prevent as prop to be used as a variant
#732: Make theme.className inject styles
#681: TS:1.0 - VariantProps returns any
#655: min/max width fit-content is unable to render
#680: TS:1.0 - CSS should also work in an unconfigured way
#678: TS:1.0 - Error extending a CSS fragment
#660: TypeScript prevents use of animationName inside styled
#602: TypeScript: Typing of util errors inside variants
#560: Argument types not being inferred in event handler props when composing components
#518: All CSS Properties cause TS errors when using css function from createCss
#530: Typescript error when composing components with boolean variants
#512: Tokens aren't included in the theme type definition
#506: Typescript Error when passing css prop to styled component
#497: Running typescript compiler on project with …s fails to compile (tried with multiple builders)
#484: Allow utils in themeMap for ease of typing for a more generic typing
#453: Types disappear when I destructure config from createCss
#427: [0.1.0-canary.7+] TS error when passing react-router's Link to "as" prop
#407: TS: error spreading abstracted style onto css prop
#405: TypeError when passing a style object with default variants or of type CSS
#383: Brainstorm how to abstract utils
#378: [stitches/react] css prop is not autocompleting tokens
#736: TS:1.0 - Stitches.PropertyValue error with string
#735: TS:1.0 - font weight error
#715: Incorrect typing for css prop on Canary
#726: TS:1.0 - zIndex error with string
#720: Type regression using as and css on a Stitches component on Canary 7
#719: Type regression for targeting a Stitches component in Canary
#702: TS:1.0 - Error types spreading StitchesCss fragments
#706: TS:1.0 - Error when accessing .className and .selector
#705: TS:1.0 - nested pseudo classes in media throws error
#718: TS:1.0 - Suggestions should not include @all
#712: Incorrect typings for styled inputs on Canary
#707: TS:1.0 - PropertyValue missing number
#697: TS:1.0 - css type is {}
when using React.ComponentProps
#670: styled API: 1st arg must be a type, then infinite style objects
#682: 1.0 - Rename createCss to createStitches
#679: TS:1.0 - Performance issue when exposing css prop from custom Component
#727: TS:1.0 - Complex TS error
#684: 1.0 - Add createTheme to main export
#685: 1.0 - Remove theme creation from theme and into its own function
#713: TS:1.0 - createTheme return type does not include ThemeTokens when theme class is used
#716: TS:1.0 - Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent
#653: Latest Stitches does not work well with next-themes
#666: Locally Scoped Tokens should ignore undefined values
We're excited to see the community adopt Stitches, raise issues, and provide feedback. Whether it's a feature request, bug report, or a project to showcase, please get involved!
We're grateful for everyone who contributed and provided feedback along the way.
Special thanks to Jonathan Neal for the commitment and dedication.
Special thanks to Abdulhadi Alhallak for the TypeScript support.
Special thanks to Pedro Duarte for the API design, thorough testing, comnunity support, roadmap and documentation.
Special thanks to the Modulz founders Colm Tuite and Stephen Haney for officially bringing Stitches under the Modulz organisation and dedicating an official team to keep Stitches maintained.
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